高清完整、带书签《2021 International Building Code》IBC国际建筑规范(英文2021版)



文件1: 2021 International Building Code(IBC)条文修订说明版(1939页)(38.26MB)
文档2: 2021-International-Building-Code(IBC)(1084页正文、带书签、彩色高清版)(55.5MB).pdf
文档3: 2021-InternationalBuilding-Code(IBC)(833页版正文、带书签)(25.9MB).pdf

2021,2022,9781609839550,9781609839567,IBC,International Building Code,国际建筑规范,带书签,高清版,高清完整、带书签《2021 International Building Code》IBC国际建筑规范(英文2021版)

国际建筑规范® (IBC®) 建立了建筑系统的最低要求,使用规定性和性能相关的规定。 它建立在基础广泛的原则之上,这些原则使可能使用新材料和新建筑设计。 此 2021 版完全兼容国际规范委员会® (ICC®) 发布的所有国际规范® (I-Codes®),包括国际节能规范® (IECC®)、国际既有建筑规范® (IEBC®),国际防火规范® (IFC®)、国际燃气规范® (IFGC®)、国际绿色建筑Code® (IgCC®), International Mechanical Code® (IMC®), International Plumbing Code® (IPC®), Internationaltional Private Sewage Disposal Code® (IPSDC®), International Property Maintenance Code® (IPMC®),
International Residential Code® (IRC®)、International Swimming Pool and Spa Code® (ISPSC®)、International Wildland-Urban Interface Code® (IWUIC®)、International Zoning Code® (IZC®) 和 International
代码委员会性能代码® (ICCPC®)。
除了代码本身,代码开发过程还会定期召集构建专业人员。 它提供了一个国际论坛来讨论和审议关于建筑设计、施工方法、安全、性能要求、技术进步和创新产品。
包括 IBC 在内的 I 代码在公共和私营部门中以多种方式使用。
大多数行业专业人士都熟悉 I-Codes,它是美国和其他国家/地区社区法律法规的基础。 然而,代码的影响远远超出了监管领域,因为它们用于各种非监管环境,包括:
• 自愿合规计划,例如促进可持续性、能源效率和抗灾能力。
• 保险业,用于估计和管理风险,并作为承保和费率工具决定。
• 参与建筑设计、施工和安全领域的个人的认证和资格认证。
• 建筑和建筑相关产品的认证。
• 美国联邦机构,指导一系列政府所有财产的建设。
• 设备管理。
• 设计师和建筑商的“最佳实践”基准,包括那些从事在没有正式监管系统或政府的司法管辖区的项目执行机制。
• 学院、大学和专业学校的教科书和课程。
• 与建筑设计和施工相关的参考作品。
除了代码本身,代码开发过程还会定期召集构建专业人员。 它提供了一个国际论坛来讨论和审议关于建筑设计、施工方法、安全、性能要求、技术进步和创新产品。
2021 年版呈现最初发布的代码,并在 2003 年至到 2019 年,ICC 规范开发流程批准的 2018 版和进一步变更。 A这样的新版本每 3 年发布一次。
本守则旨在制定充分保护公众健康、安全和福祉的规定; 不会不必要地增加建筑成本; 不限制使用新材料、产品或建造方法; 并且不给予特殊待遇材料、产品或施工方法的类型或类别。
@地震隔离 @地震隔离
2021 年国际建筑规范® iv
IBC 通过审查代码执行提交的拟议变更来保持最新官员、行业代表、设计专业人士和其他相关方。 建议的通过开放代码开发过程仔细考虑更改,所有感兴趣的人受影响的各方可以参与。
ICC 准则制定过程反映了公开、透明、平衡、正当程序和共识的原则,这些原则体现在管理联邦政府对私营部门标准的使用的 OMB 通告 A-119 中。 ICC 流程对任何人开放; 参与无需任何费用,人们可以通过 ICC 基于云的应用程序 cdpAccess® 参与而无需支付差旅费。 国外ICC 代码开发过程中代表了利益的交叉部分。 这些代码是定期更新,包括允许在健康和需要时采取紧急行动的保障措施安全原因。
为了确保对守则有直接和物质利益的组织有发言权在此过程中,ICC 与支持 ICC 的关键行业部门建立了合作伙伴关系重要的公共安全使命。 部分代码开发委员会成员由以下行业合作伙伴并经 ICC 董事会批准:
• 美国研究所

2021,2022,9781609839550,9781609839567,IBC,International Building Code,国际建筑规范,带书签,高清版,高清完整、带书签《2021 International Building Code》IBC国际建筑规范(英文2021版)

2021,2022,9781609839550,9781609839567,IBC,International Building Code,国际建筑规范,带书签,高清版,高清完整、带书签《2021 International Building Code》IBC国际建筑规范(英文2021版)

The International Building Code® (IBC®) establishes minimum requirements for building systems using
prescriptive and performance-related provisions. It is founded on broad-based principles that make
possible the use of new materials and new building designs. This 2021 edition is fully compatible with
all of the International Codes® (I-Codes®) published by the International Code Council® (ICC®), includ￾ing the International Energy Conservation Code® (IECC®), International Existing Building Code® (IEBC®),
International Fire Code® (IFC®), International Fuel Gas Code® (IFGC®), International Green Construction
Code® (IgCC®), International Mechanical Code® (IMC®), International Plumbing Code® (IPC®), Interna￾tional Private Sewage Disposal Code® (IPSDC®), International Property Maintenance Code® (IPMC®),
International Residential Code® (IRC®), International Swimming Pool and Spa Code® (ISPSC®), Interna￾tional Wildland-Urban Interface Code® (IWUIC®), International Zoning Code® (IZC®) and International
Code Council Performance Code® (ICCPC®).
In addition to the codes themselves, the code development process brings together building pro￾fessionals on a regular basis. It provides an international forum for discussion and deliberation about
building design, construction methods, safety, performance requirements, technological advances
and innovative products.
The I-Codes, including the IBC, are used in a variety of ways in both the public and private sectors.
Most industry professionals are familiar with the I-Codes as the basis of laws and regulations in com￾munities across the US and in other countries. However, the impact of the codes extends well beyond
the regulatory arena, as they are used in a variety of nonregulatory settings, including:
• Voluntary compliance programs such as those promoting sustainability, energy efficiency and
disaster resistance.
• The insurance industry, to estimate and manage risk, and as a tool in underwriting and rate
• Certification and credentialing of individuals involved in the fields of building design, construc￾tion and safety.
• Certification of building and construction-related products.
• US federal agencies, to guide construction in an array of government-owned properties.
• Facilities management.
• “Best practices” benchmarks for designers and builders, including those who are engaged in
projects in jurisdictions that do not have a formal regulatory system or a governmental
enforcement mechanism.
• College, university and professional school textbooks and curricula.
• Reference works related to building design and construction.
In addition to the codes themselves, the code development process brings together building pro￾fessionals on a regular basis. It provides an international forum for discussion and deliberation about
building design, construction methods, safety, performance requirements, technological advances
and innovative products.
This 2021 edition presents the code as originally issued, with changes reflected in the 2003 through
2018 editions and further changes approved by the ICC Code Development Process through 2019. A
new edition such as this is promulgated every 3 years.
This code is intended to establish provisions that adequately protect public health, safety and wel￾fare; that do not unnecessarily increase construction costs; that do not restrict the use of new materi￾als, products or methods of construction; and that do not give preferential treatment to particular
types or classes of materials, products or methods of construction.
@Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation
The IBC is kept up to date through the review of proposed changes submitted by code enforcement
officials, industry representatives, design professionals and other interested parties. Proposed
changes are carefully considered through an open code development process in which all interested
and affected parties may participate.
The ICC Code Development Process reflects principles of openness, transparency, balance, due process and consensus, the principles embodied in OMB Circular A-119, which governs the federal government’s use of private-sector standards. The ICC process is open to anyone; there is no cost to participate,
and people can participate without travel cost through the ICC’s cloud-based app, cdpAccess®. A broad
cross section of interests are represented in the ICC Code Development Process. The codes, which are
updated regularly, include safeguards that allow for emergency action when required for health and
safety reasons.
In order to ensure that organizations with a direct and material interest in the codes have a voice in
the process, the ICC has developed partnerships with key industry segments that support the ICC’s
important public safety mission. Some code development committee members were nominated by
the following industry partners and approved by the ICC Board:
• American Institute of Architects (AIA)
• National Association of Home Builders (NAHB)
• National Association of State Fire Marshals (NASFM)
The code development committees evaluate and make recommendations regarding proposed
changes to the codes. Their recommendations are then subject to public comment and council-wide
votes. The ICC’s governmental members—public safety officials who have no financial or business
interest in the outcome—cast the final votes on proposed changes.
The contents of this work are subject to change through the code development cycles and by any
governmental entity that enacts the code into law. For more information regarding the code development process, contact the Codes and Standards Development Department of the ICC.
While the I-Code development procedure is thorough and comprehensive, the ICC, its members
and those participating in the development of the codes disclaim any liability resulting from the publication or use of the I-Codes, or from compliance or noncompliance with their provisions. The ICC does
not have the power or authority to police or enforce compliance with the contents of this code.
IBC Primary Code Development Committees
In each code development cycle, code change proposals to this code are considered at the Committee
Action Hearings by 11 different code development committees. Four of these committees have primary responsibility for designated chapters and appendices as shown in the following table:





